“Sitting on the fence”: a panacea for the ills in public governance?

Many of our forefathers sacrificed their lives for the peace and democracy we are enjoying today. It is therefore incumbent on us, as descendants to be interested in positive political discourse that strengthens the socio-political landscape. The youth, who are the future leaders must actively work together, share ideas and be involved passionately to making Ghana a better place instead of “sitting on the fence” and assuming apolitical orientation whiles the Country gets messed up by the minority elite. This attitude thus solidifies the famous saying ” Country broke, Country no broke, we all dey inside”

Being actively involved is an attempt to have a say in governance, it’s the beginning of citizens’ awakening, and that public officials and institutions should not see this as an attempt to make them unpopular. I believe the rational for active political and public policy discourse is to ensure that the Ghana that our forefathers once envisioned some 59 years ago, is the Ghana we have, and that we leave a better version of it for generations to come.

sitonfence2.jpgAs a people, we have a civic awareness or consciousness that hitherto may have been dead or dormant at best. As vibrant young stakeholders as we are, we must rather be seen to encourage the exercise of our constitutional right to speak our minds, rather than suffer in silence in the democratic governance of our dear country.

Ghana must be better and I believe it’s our collective efforts that will make it so. It’s encouraging to see the solidarity being exhibited in recent times, and to see well-meaning Ghanaians from all walks of life move from “sitting on the fence” to becoming active participants in matters that concern our democracy as done by our forefathers some years back.

It’s my conviction and a personal mission to encourage the teeming youth to speak up and be actively involved in the governance process through dialogue and other positive public discourses for proper sanitization of the political landscape. Ghana is the only country of our birth and we are all duty bound and constitutionally mandated to protect and defend her integrity at all times.